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Kerbera is an alternative rock-band from Sweden and they are the new Focus Artist of Nyanko Scandal Factory
Seike - vocals

Zave - lead guitar & vocals

Corro - rhythm guitar

Frederick  - bass & vocals
Download the song on iTunes
Official FB
Official Twitter


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Omg I can't wait.... But I have to....
2014.1.25  it's time for RenStage and I -アイ
It's gonna be fun fun fuuuuuuuuuuuuun :D
Vocal: Hiroaki Nakashima                                                                  Guitar: Yuki Aneyoshi

Official website
Official Facebook
Facebook Fanpage
I -アイ is also Nyanko Scandal Factory  signed artist.

RenStage & I -アイ

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Are you a person who loves Japanese music, but think it's way too little concerts in Europe/ Sweden. Then I have the perfect solution.
And that is
With artists like
they bring the Japanese music to you.
So hurry up and become a member you too in this wonderful family of japanese music lovers <3

Nyanko Scandal Factor...